A beautiful example of Axum's first gold coinage
Los 266
Endybis, circa 300-310. Chrysos (Gold, 16 mm, 2.68 g, 12 h). ENΔΥBIC - ΒΑCIΛEYC Draped bust of Endybis to right, wearing tight-fitting head cloth and circular earring; to left and right, ears of barley; above, pellet in crescent. Rev. ΑξⲰΜΙΤⲰ - BICI ΔAXY Draped bust of Endybis to right, wearing tight-fitting head cloth and circular earring; to left and right, ears of barley; above, pellet in crescent. Hahn, Aksumite, 1. Hahn & Keck, MAKS, 1. Munro-Hay, AC, type 1. Boldly struck and well centered, a beautiful example of Axum's first gold coinage. Slightly wavy flan, otherwise, good extremely fine.

From the Dr. Stephan Coffman Collection, privately acquired from Solon Numismatics.

Endybis was the first Axumite king to strike coins, which were consciously modelled after the Roman currency introduced by Diocletian in 286 and 294. The surprising choice to place the king on both sides likely reflects the central role played by the Axumite rulers in state ideology, and may have been influenced by the Himyarite coinage of South Arabia.
1500 CHF
1200 CHF
4200 CHF
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